What is study abroad | Into and Details
What is study abroad | Into and Details Studying abroad is an exciting way, to enrich your academic learning, while developing personal and professional skills to help you, advance after college. UW-Madison offers over 260 programs, in more than 65 countries, making us, a national leader in providing study abroad opportunities. From helping you to select a program, and preparing you before you go, to supporting you while you're, abroad and assisting you when you return, we’re here every step of the way to help you navigate the world. You'll earn credit towards graduation, for all courses taken abroad, which, is recorded on your transcript and becomes, part of your UW-Madison GPA. Classes abroad come to life as you simultaneously, engage with politics, history, and cultures, throughout the world that shape the materials we're learning. For example, you could discover how politics shape expression, while exploring the street art of Argentina, or feel the power of the...